Saturday 8 May 2010

A trip round D Res.

Above are highlights of a couple of trips to D res to monitor the moth trap. Best moth was actually outside the trap and is a new one for site at a tiny 4mm - the horse chestnut leaf-miner for more details see here. The same horse chestnuts are also badly affected by bleeding canker (info here) and are in a bad way really. Speckled wood was in D woods, and again loads of swifts, sand and house martins, with highlights being a common buzzard, kingfisher and barn owl as pictured.

A drake garganey was on D reservoir, with peregrine over again on Thursday, with the first on-site hobby yesterday. Today we had a good spread of birds with red-crested pochard on D res, hobby at O woods, marsh harrier and common sandpiper around South Marsh East, whitethroat calling strongly in East Scrub, and a little egret and one possibly two wood sandpiper on Watton NR.